Draft of the Comprehensive plan (This draft is still being reviewed and being posted for public input and comment)

Deadline for comments is May 20, 2024
The May 20th Hearing has been cancelled as there are additional modifications being made to the plan. When updates are available they will be posted. Thank you!

Updated Draft Comprehensive Plan – 6/5/2024
Appendix A – Wellhead and Watershed Ordinance adopted 10/2/2023
Appendix B – DRAFT Eastern Pike Regional Act 537 plan November 2022
Appendix C – Milford Township Zoning map (1991)
Appendix D – Conceptual Transportation Plan map (2023)
Appendix E – Township Bridge Report prepared by John D. Fuller (10/9/2023)
Appendix F – Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Plan Map (2023)
Appendix G – Pike County Residential Development map (2010)