FEMA and its partners have developed draft flood hazard information for Pike County, PA which is available for your community’s review on the Region 3 Changes Since Last FIRM (CSLF) available at CSLF – Pike County or on FEMA’s Flood Hazard and Risk Data Viewer (note that the online maps have scale dependencies, so data layers will display as you zoom in).

FEMA wants to ensure that the most up-to-date and accurate technical data is used to develop the flood risk products. FEMA relies on your feedback, partnership, and knowledge during this important project to determine the extent of flood risk in your community. The 30-day comment period for the draft flood hazard data was extended to August 30, 2024. Please send comments to the following:
FEMA Project Officer, Amanuel Ghebreegziabher – amanuel.ghebreegziabher@fema.dhs.gov
State NFIP Coordinator, Ken Roberts – kennrobert@pa.gov
Mapping Partner Project Manager, Brian Edmondson –  Brian.Edmondson@freese.com
Comments will be evaluated, and responses will be provided (with revisions to data where applicable) prior to the release of preliminary FIRMs and related products. Note that additional opportunities to submit comments and appeals will be provided as this study moves through the Risk MAP process.